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And it came to pass that a dark cloud gathered the tribes of the Reidites, Pelosites, and Obamites in marriage as one people, and thus the profits from the bank of the Evilites were now one currency. And the children of freedom of divine goodness lamented and cried aloud, sparing not in their distress to desire no more taxes, "woe unto me, my house, my car, my guns, my freedom are no more". And then it came to pass, that Dvinity odered its profits for war to destroy all the Evilites of the world.

then, I saw from out of the deep, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King....more than i could bare;

Broken in tears, i could not take anymore, then I saw Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, then Oprah Winfrey......Egads!!! the punishment for my sins was more than I could bare; Then I arose with my last gasp for life crying for acceptance of my repentant heart to free me from the Evilites of the world; then came shining gold and silver out of the Land of Plenty, no Liberals, no healthcare, no democrats, no Obama, no taxes:

And it came to pass that a Great Profit out of the land of Plenty would avenge its losses and hope returned to the world. http://www.ihateobama.com/ ;

So, now that you know, why you won't have a social security check when you retire, or money to pay your bills, but an iou from the government, consider setting up a business; consider how do i get out this mess; How to become economically free and free to tell Obama and the rest of these bleeding heart liberals to pack up their bags and leave the United States of America. Sign up, start a business and be amongst those who believe in freedom and not the bs of i have a dream, but true freedom that comes from individual effort and rewards for that effort. If interested, please leave your name and phone number.
thank you
Traverus Travel California Televerus Cell Phones